Saturday, January 31, 2009

Celtic Spirit Event in San Marcos

I'm prolly too tired to blog effectively, but I'll give it a whirl. I'm short on sleep because I was up last night getting items ready for the little day even in San Marcos I was showing at. And I had to get up early to get there, its about an hour away from me.. and I take forever to set up. But I was pretty cheerful on only 5 hrs of sleep and one cup of coffee. I was also happy to be at an indoor events with no shortage of tables and chairs. I was trying some new display set ups out and this big wooden thing I found at Goodwill ( I think it's a magazine rack) I screwed hooks on it and hung stuff from it. I also spent the majority of yesterday evening putting felting kits together. I often do demos of needle felting at these shows... because it draws folks and its impressive to make cute little critters and things from piles random fur. But so many people told me, oh I did that, or I've always wanted to try that.. thus Gypsyharte's Needle Felting Kit was born. I also have a great stash of really nice wool and so I was able to give lots of nice brights and naturals and included instructions and a foam pad and two sculpey handled needles... I made four packs up and three sold so I think that was a success! I did really good in other areas too. I had pillow kitties, earrings... hairwraps, hats, purses and of course my some of my feltings. People loved my needle felted hearts too.

And I got to listen to Celtic music all day and there was a wonderful little closing ceremony honoring Brigid.. the Celtic Saint/Goddess of Poetry, Creativity, Smithing and Her holiday is Imbolc or Feb 2 which is right around the corner... its the kinda the pre-spring event... when the lambs are born.. A good thing to honor, I think, considering how much wool I go through...

SO... in honor of Brigid of the white shoulders and flowing well... may Her wisdom inspire you in the coming season, and may we all drink at the well of peace and plenty.

Bright Blessings.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Crafty Chicks

I Went yesterday to Beth A.'s house for the Esty Austin's first group craft, it was fun and productive. I almost didn't make it yesterday due to a wayward half-grown chick named, Matilda. She decided to fly the coop.. in the traditional sense. But I worry because I have a dog that likes to chase stuff and its a big wide world out there! So the better part of my morning and afternoon was spent chasing Matilda all over creation. She is still at large. Sigh> so getting to hang with some crafty mamas was very mellowing for me... and some eclectic music to groove to and even peanut butter cookies to munch on. (made by Megan) yum!
I spent my time working on some Valentine Day surprises and chatting up a storm. Etsy Austin plans to do this pretty often... Next time we need wine and maybe some strawberry cream cheese and crackers.
Okay, this is freakin' hilarious... I wanted to go grab a photo of my felted hearts in the pretty sunshine outside, so I grabbed my camera and low and behold who is on top of baby chickie pen? the wayward Matilda henceforth known as that damned chicken!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Birthday Present

Its my birthday! Just barely, well if we are being technical its really not until 3:16pm tomorrow. But I say it *is* my birthday.
I was cruising through my favs today on Etsy and I was thinking, "Man, I have great taste.. everything I fav gets sold." Then I was thinking, "Mer, *everything* I faved is gone! waaaa!!!"
Ookay... time passes..clean house feed animals... clean some more house.. then my husband bring in the mail. I got this little package and I'm like hmmmm what is this? there's a little note and in some tissue paper is the very bracelet I hearted! My awesome and sneaky sister-in-law in Seattle went and bought me a birthday present off of Etsy. Isn't that the best idea ever? Other than my husband (and I forward him the urls and general give broad hints) no ones ever bought me something off of Etsy before.
Oh and its not just any bracelet...its a fabulously, awsome, mythical, lovely, charm bracelet from Poetsummer which I've been wanting *forever*. Its better and bigger than the pics can ever do justice... It's all tinkly, tinkly.. the weight of it may be a danger to carpal tunnel sufferers...but I don't care! Its sooo awesome.. The charms on this thing are huge and the tiny little picture frames are really clear and the whole thing is just a treasure. See it here:
Did I mention I like it?
And Carrie from Poetsummer sent me another gift as well ...a lovely three strand wooden beaded necklace. How cool is that?
So I hope the rest of my birthday is as good as this present... its an auspicious start!
Go and visit:

Good Fortune

The other day while at a Chinese resturant I got a great fortune cookie fortune. It read:
"Good ideas will spring forth naturally from your mind in the comning week."
Which is exactly how I've been feeling, ideas and images literally just start coming to me when I close my eyes to sleep or when I'm looking out the window driving somewhere. I'm just having trouble making everything I want to make. I want to finish things not just start them. LOL, of course I have my fair share of projects started... some I actually want to finish. I just need to remind myself to write the ideas down and I will get to them. I just need to take it one step at a step. You can't do needle felting fast, not if you want to do it right. So patience is my first lesson of the coming year.
So whats in the works?
Folktales, I love allegory and symbology.. so I'm reading up.
I can't wait to get to do some wet felting. Maybe making a set of slippers or something.
I'm going to expand from hats and make more stuff out of recycled sweaters.
I'll just keep writing down all my ideas and everything will happen in good time.
Good fortune to all. In all our enterprises.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

San Marcos Art at Tantra

I newly joined the Esty Austin street team last week and there I met Kateri, who is doing this great third Sat Market in San Marcos. Its easy to forget that a whole city is just right down south there. So my husband, James and I decided go and set up our respective little booths out at Tantra Coffee House yesterday. James is a hypnosist promoting his business by doing free hypnosis demos showing people how to change their lives by changing their minds.
And I had a little bit of everything.... some recycled sweaters hats (since it was chilly) and removable hairwrap jewelry, and of course my felted creations. Anyone who knows me, knows that I hate having nothing to do with my hands, so I had my wool and some bits of reclaimed sweater and was felting away. The place was really fun too.. alot of folks came and went there were some nice bands to to listen too and other see the artists too.
And they were people... bonafide People, they came and talked to me, and I love talking felt! I was suprised at how many people said they had just starting doing needle felting or had just heard about Etsy. That, is my second favorite subject.
It was a good day, I talked to this nice guy, Sean, who was going write something for a paper or zine I think, he also took pics of my stuff. I totally spaced some stuff yesterday morning, like my mirror and I’m still out of business cards… no excuse. Despite my being a tad worried about the weather it was fine, a little windy but to too bad, and the sunshine came out to play later in the day. Tantra’s got some yummy lemon bars and good coffee ( I had the Landry) and my hubby hypnotized some folks… oh yeah I sold some stuff. That’s always nice. The best thing was being in this happening little Texas town, surrounded by talented kids, so creative and it so-made-me-remember-my-college-time; and I was much buoyed and encouraged by so many asking about my stuff and liking it. I think it was a success all around and a lot of promise for growth in the future. So thanks a bunch Kateri! We can’t wait for next time.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sock Monkey know how!

Okay, I got this really wonderful tiny sock monkey kit from Fantiny for Christmas and its got everything you need to make tiny sock monkeys.... except that the are tiny and therefore difficult... really difficult We're talking 3-5 inches is the largest one. Its especially difficult if you've never made big sock monkeys. I haven't. I'm slowly grasping the concept and her instructions are great for making the tiny sock part... it was the monkey part thats getting me.

So Google to my rescue. And Yup there's a bunch of how-to-make instructions on regular ole sock monkey. I'm back in the tiny teeny sock monkey business... I've got my tiny socks! and I'm going to make a monkey...
Want a tiny sock monkey of your own?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Brand New Year!

Huzzah, its a brand new year and I'm super excited to finally have all my shows behind me for a little while. I will have time to create new stuff. Woot! I had a great time reading Tarot cards at Texas Ren Fest and then a wonderfully sucessfull Armadillo Christmas Bizarre. Now, as the holidays and things are behind me I'm so looking forward to all these exciting ideas that have been perking in my head while. My poor Etsy shop is looking a little bare since I sold (yay!) a bunch of my felted things at the 'Dillo. But hey thats fine by me... I'll make more! I got a bunch of new materials to work with.... as christmas presents, some fine Mohair roving by Kai Ranch... dyed by our friend Lisa... and I also ordered new colors from Draig Athar on Etsy she always has great colors. So just hang on and wait and see what I create with this wool and I even got some cool eyes from Vedabliss
Also on my agenda for the New Years, besides seeing how I well I can keep up this blog thingie... is me joining Etsy Austin Team! Check this out. Okay I'm totally blurry eyed from no sleep and still slightly hung over from New Years Celebrations... so Night! Bright Blessings